Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Way to make Means by Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.)

If you haven’t heard I am sure you will?

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) managed to avoid to paying taxes on rental income and mortgage interest for a beachfront villa. It is estimated he avoided mortgage interest of 10.50% and upwards of $75,000 in tax free rental income for multiple years. The toughest part of the story to swallow is the fact he is the Charmin of the House Ways and Means Committee. The House Ways and Means Committee is the chief tax-writing committee of the United States House of Representatives. The Committee has jurisdiction over all taxation, tariffs and other revenue-raising measures, as well as a number of other programs. (Wikipedia) Rangel is also a staple champion of Affordable Housing initiatives. Ironic; Tax –writing and affordable housing, from his actions he obviously has hands on experience.

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